Traveling a Lot? Here Are Some Tips to Eat Clean on the Road!

All the time I get asked great questions about working out and dieting while traveling. One person asked me a question that I also had questions about at first, "I am on the road A LOT with work and it is so hard to stick to a diet while traveling so frequently. Any pointers or tips to that can help me with this?" These are things that some of you may think would be common sense or natural to do but they aren't that way until you live through travel obstacles and learn the tricks of the trade.
First thing is set yourself up for success by researching hotels that have an option for a fridge and possibly a microwave. That way you can store food and then heat it up. If a microwave isn't possible stopping at gas stations along the way or finding one close to your hotel is another way to heat up your food, sounds funny but the microwaves they use to heat up those burritos you can easily use to heat up your food. Figured this one out because I needed Stryder's (my son) frozen homemade food heated up while I was traveling for my first show. So, then I decided to heat my meal up as well. It helps if you are prepping for a show and are eating tilapia because I don't care how many times you eat cold tilapia that mystery jelly is beyond gross and you will never get used to it.
Another thing is take easily open and ready to eat food for example packets of tuna, get the ones that you tear open they easily store anywhere and you can eat it right out of the package. Good snack/meal; tuna fish on rice cakes with a handful of almonds, easy, quick and no cooking involved.
I pre-measure all my oatmeal for the mornings and put them in Ziploc baggies, they easily store and you can heat it up with the microwave but if the hotel your staying at doesn't have a microwave, do not worry figured this one out too. Every room has a coffee maker run the coffee maker with only water in it (no coffee grains) then put the oatmeal in the coffee cup they provide, add water and cover for 3-5 minutes. viola, cooked oatmeal! With the oatmeal I usually have hard boil eggs, I Ziploc a couple of them and store them in the fridge or if a fridge isn't an option I take a big lunch box and keep refilling the ice from the ice machine at the hotel.
If you are crazy like some of us you can even pack a George Foreman, shop at a local grocery store and cook your meal right in your room. Sounds crazy but it works and soon after it pretty much becomes second nature, a lifestyle.
If you have a fridge or access to an ice machine you can pretty much prepare anything upfront, it just depends on how dedicated you are. It isn't always fun to travel with Tupperware and eat by yourself in your room, especially if its cold, but if it's worth it to you, you will make the sacrifice and even save some money.
Hope these tips help and will keep you on the right path or kickstart you in the right direction.
"Fail to prepare is to prepare to fail"

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