A Personal Trainer Del Mar Revealed Some Ways Regarding How To Boost Up Your Metabolism

By Brandon Watkins

You might have inherited your mom's slow metabolism but the great news is that you are not going to be stuck with it. There are numerous things that you can do now to trick your body into burning more calories. Everybody knows, the faster your metabolism is, the more calories you can burn. It's time to take control of your metabolism by following these pointers from a top personal trainer Del Mar.

Ramp Up Your Exercise Routine

If you're used to doing the same type of exercises every day and at a slow pace, consider ramping up your exercise routines by working hard some more and increasing your level of intensity. The personal trainer Del Mar also recommends that you alternate your workout moves, so avoid sticking to the same sets of workouts everyday. Alternate your routines and ramp up the level of intensity every once in awhile.

Consume Lots Of Omega 3

Eating foods that are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, such as salmon, tuna and herring could help to improve your metabolism. Furthermore, Omega 3 helps to balance out your blood sugar and reduce inflammation and most importantly, Omega 3 helps to improve one's metabolism.

You can take Omega 3 supplements and the personal trainer Del Mar recommends taking 1,000 to 2,000 mg of Omega 3 fatty acids each day. If you do not like the fishy smell of Omega 3 supplements, you can go for flaxseed oil, eggs, and lots of walnuts. All these are filled with Omega 3 fatty acids that can help to boost up your body's metabolism.

Build Some Muscles

If you want to improve your metabolic rate, then build more muscles. Not only do muscles weigh more than fats, but they make use of more energy too. An average woman in her 30s who trains up to 40 minutes for twice each week could end up increasing her resting metabolism up to a hundred calories each day. This means that she can lose a hundred calories each day without really doing anything. With continuous workouts, more calories will be burned.

Indulge On Green Tea

The green tea is always praised for its various health benefits. Several evidences show that the active ingredient found on green tea is very effective in increasing one's metabolism. Experts and researchers have made a lot of tests and studies on dieters and they have proven that those who are fond of drinking a glass of green tea are able to lose more weight than those who don't. So it's about time to ditch your coffee habit and replace your cup of coffee with a cup of green tea instead.

So these are the various things that you can do to improve your metabolism, as advised by the personal trainer Del Mar. Make sure that you keep these things in mind if you want to be successful with your weight loss efforts. This could help make the process easier and faster.

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