Despite the popularity of gyms around the world, most people do not know how to lose weight and keep it off. The same goes for building muscle - most people have no idea how to correct their diet in order to maximize lean muscular gains.
Today you will see how to do this properly.
Fat loss is a common goal in the gym. However, ninety percent of people who list this as their primary goal have overlooked the one aspect which is going to get them there - their daily calorie intake. The basic science behind fat loss is that if you eat less, you will lose more.
However, it would be quite foolish to set yourself a good calorie target and then neglect to go a little bit further. By learning how to optimize your intake of protein, carbohydrates and fats you will only enhance your results even further. []
There is more than enough conflicting information out there to over complicate the process of dieting. That's why so many people at your local gym are completely lost. However, it's not very difficult to set yourself some proven, effective goals.
* Daily calorie target = your body weight in pounds multiplied by 15.
If you wanted to bulk up to 180 lbs, for example, you would do the following sum: 180 x 15 = 2700. This now sets you a goal of 2700 calories per day.
* Protein = Take 30% of your total calorie intake and divide it by 4.
The individual here, who wants to weigh 180 lbs, would need to eat 202g protein each day. That's because 30% of his calories is 810, we then divide this by 4 which is the number of calories in one single gram of protein. That's how we get our answer.
* Your daily carbs = 55% of your calories, divided by four.
Carbohydrates are our best friend when trying to add size to our frame. Many people mistakenly believe protein is the key, but it is not. 55% of your calories should arrive from carbohydrates. In the case of our 180 lb male, this would be 1485 calories. Share this by 4 and we get a target of 371 grams.
* Total daily fat intake = 15% of overall calories divided by 9.
Healthy fats are one of the key strategies behind building a better body in a very short space of time. 15% of our calorie target here would be 405 in total. Divide this by 9, you'll get a fat intake of roughly 45 grams per day.
The difference between bulking up safely and cleanly, as opposed to simply eating everything in sight, is the fine line which separates those who add good size from those who simply add a ton of fat. You don't want to gain size on your arms at the expense of your gut, of course. Learning the science behind how to lose weight and build lean muscle can be a confusing affair, so playing around with the principles is a key factor in striking a balance which suits your individual body.
About the Author:
Today's recommendation: Learn the truth about how to build muscle thanks to Russ Howe PTI. Russ is the UK's leading personal trainer, showing people facts on how to lose weight for free each day on his website.
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