The Worst Ways to Lose Weight

Nowadays staying slim has become an obsession. People are more inclined towards selecting ways of losing weight that would give them results faster than any other methods. Below are some worst ways to lose weight that we all should steer clear of.
1. Surgery (liposuction, gastric bypass etc) - Nowadays everyone wants to go for a liposuction surgery. First try out exercising and diet, try really hard and if they do not work then seek a nutritionist. Nutritionist would never recommend liposuction or any kind of fat reduction surgery to you. It is often seen that people gain back the weight after this funny surgery. Please do not try this method as it is one of the worst ways to lose weight.
2. Crash diets - Crash diets kills and this is why it has been labelled as one of the worst ways to lose weight. It is extremely dangerous and is the main cause of malnutrition. Most weight loss programs won't have crash diet included in it.
3. Purge diets (bulimia) - These diets are one of the worst ways to lose weight. It is completely wrong if you are making yourself lose weight through vomiting, diuretics and laxatives as you are only harming your health to an extreme negative extent. You could end up losing your own life.
4. Fat burning pills - These pills have some positive results but their side effects are too often ignored. Some of those funny pills are already stopped being sold in the market anymore due to of their overwhelming side effects.
5. Appetite suppressants -These funny pills can suppress your hunger within a day. Those pills are quite cheap thus seem very appealing. But, there are various side effects come with these pills which you should avoid at all costs. Side effects include hypertension and severe heart damage.
6. Fad diets (Atkins, south beach, etc) - Once again these are not so beneficial to the health and must be avoided. Fad diets are not good for anything except eating away people's money you should not trust their strict diet schedules.
7. Hypnosis - You must have heard a lot of people telling you that hypnosis works but this is so untrue because science does not support it. So if you are considering losing weight through hypnosis then I suggest you to think twice because last time I have checked hypnosis was expensive so you don't want to waste such a large amount of money on it.
8. Being too strict (unrealistic) - Set yourself some realistic and achievable goals. Living on celery and jogging 20 miles a day probably won't make you live any longer. This pattern will burn you out and, most likely, gaining back all the pounds you may have lost. What is needed is a lifestyle of healthy diets, not a 40 yard dash of strict rules. offers a realistic diet program that'll help you to lose those extra pounds.


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