The Difference Between the Non-Diet Approach and Traditional Diets

Throughout your weight loss struggles you may have read a lot about eating disorders with the hope that you will read a tidbit that will cure you of weight loss difficulties. You may even read weight loss magazines and try to complete all the tips inside, but eventually you end up right back where you started. Then you end up gaining the weight right back and feeling even worse because you could not successfully complete a few quick and easy tips. Our advice is different than other advice you may have read. It will not dwell on the details of various eating disorders, but rather on how you can take control of your eating. That's right! This article is about learning to love yourself while losing weight naturally.
Before we talk about loving ourselves and losing weight, we must briefly discuss eating disorders. One of the most common eating disorders is called binge eating disorder. The cycle of binge eating begins when we feel pressure from society to be thin. We may want to control our weight through typical dieting, but we can never keep the weight off. When we become upset with ourselves and our abilities, we turn to food in order to feel happiness. This is often when we enter the binge eating cycle.
The binge eating cycle begins with a desire to be thin. You may even try an extreme diet which wreaks havoc on your body. As 95% of diets do not work, you end up gaining the weight back. When this happens you feel upset and turn to food and begin binge eating. Binge eating means eating a large amount of food to gain emotional relief. You then feel upset with your eating habits and begin the process again by finding another diet to try.
Many times when we have an eating disorder, the relief we find from food can outweigh our desire to lose weight. The good news is that it is possible to break free from this cycle of eating. You can stop dieting and still lose weight naturally. You may be wondering how you can free yourself from the struggles of an eating disorder without dieting. You may think that your desire to be thin is causing all of your weight loss struggles. This is simply not true. You struggle because of the relationship you have with food.
Do not focus on losing weight by restricting certain types of food. Instead, focus on eating what your body needs. If you are craving ice cream, then by all means eat ice cream! When you restrict what you can eat, your body will begin to crave that food even more. This will ultimately lead to failure. You you may be wondering how you can lose weight by eating ice cream. Easy! You can lose weight by eating when you are hungry and stopping when you are full.
Learn to love yourself and develop a healthy relationship with food. By listening to your body you can begin to make positive changes in your life!
Want to discover how to lose weight without starving yourself? Eat whatever you want and live the life that you deserve? Then go here for your FREE 7 days Course and discover the principles and techniques to eat what you love without guilt, to lose weight and to maintain that weight loss forever.


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