The Most Common Reason You Are Fat

Are you one of the millions around the world trying very hard to shed your excess fat only to end up disappointed? Are you tired and planning to give up? If losing fat has been an ongoing battle in your life, you are not alone in this battle. The most disheartening and frustrating thing in life is losing fat only to gain it all back.
You must first understand what brought you to this your present situation in the first place if you want to lose fat successfully and keep it off. Many people like you have struggled with excess fat and have tried several fat loss program that have left them disillusioned. Your relationship with food is the most basic reason you are fat. Many times you must have used food as an excuse to comfort yourself and eat when you are depressed and anxious.
One way to break your food addiction is to find one root cause for your overeating. Some people eat out of boredom, they watch TV and just want to eat some chips. One of the most difficult things to correct is your abusive relationship with food. Food addiction is unlike alcohol or drug that you can take away the offending agent.
You cannot take food away because you need food to survive. However, you should eat to live and not live to eat. You must train yourself to eat only enough to have enough energy to get you through your daily activities. Do not overindulge yourself by eating until you are stuffed. The excess fat you stored in your body is as a result of overindulgence.
However, you can make the necessary changes by realizing that you have unhealthy food habits. It is a mistake to think that exercise is the key to losing fat. Exercise is however only a very small part of the equation. The majority of fat loss success is due to your eating habits. If you want to be able to lose fat successfully and keep it, you must be able to control the amount of calories you eat and the kind of food you take.
Always keep in mind that a key factor to fat loss success is portion control. It is true that if you have been used to gorging yourself following a healthy eating lifestyle can be very hard, but there is no sacrifice too much to make if you genuinely want to have that body you desire.
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