When It Comes to Obesity, Personal Trainers Have It Wrong!

I hate to start off 'going negative' but it is illustrative and appropriate to reduce to the point of absurdity the approach used by personal trainers in general and the clown trainers on the TV show "The Biggest Loser" specifically.
Everybody wants to make a buck on the plight of the overweight. The Purposefully Primitive approach, to use an old hackneyed analogy, is to teach overweight individuals how to fish rather than sell them fish. There is an obesity epidemic in America. As pointed out in a recent New York Times article, 30% of the population is obese, obesity being defined as 30% (or more) body fat.
A 200-pound obese person holding a 30% body fat percentile would carry 60-pounds of fat. If that same individual carried a 40% body fat percentile (not uncommon) they would have 80-pounds of fat to haul around on a daily basis. Hold a pair of 30 or 40 pound dumbbells in each hand to give your self an idea of how much weight this represents in real terms. Body fat is not near as dense as iron so the space on the body needed to carry body fat is voluminous.
How to melt off adipose (fat) tissue is the subject of great controversy within the fitness community. One element of the obesity solution is the use of cardiovascular exercise to mobilize and oxidize stored body fat.
Personal trainers and fitness experts have a huge collective blind spot in that they continually mistake exercise mode for cardio method. What is the goal of cardio exercise? The systematic elevation of the heart rate for a protracted period of time on sustained basis: the benchmarks are frequency, duration, intensity.
Fitness experts force clients to become adept at a mode of exercise they are biased towards, despite the fact that the mode, jogging, is injurious, ruinous and unnecessary.
Coming soon! "The Obesity Solution" is designed to help overweight men and women physically transform themselves into healthier, thinner, more fit individuals. Designed by Marty Gallagher, a world champion coach and former washingtonpost.com fitness columnist, he will take you by the hand to help you achieve permanent fat loss.
For more information, visit [http://www.purposefullyprimitive.com/announce.html] and get a FREE special report on how to stick to a diet the easy way!


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